When you spend fifty years of your life waking up to work before dawn, just what are you getting up for? Out In The Open tells the story of a trader’s relationship to the Queen Victoria market. Using stop-motion animation and sound, collaborative duo Isobel Knowles and Van Sowerwine have created an installation that takes inspiration from interviews with Vic market traders. Animated puppets and miniature models narrate a hidden side of the market and the deep relationship a trader has with the site. The installation deploys storage boxes used by traders, with the artists at a nearby stall recreating and selling the market’s wares in miniature. Ultimately, Knowles and Sowerwine ask audiences to contemplate: what exactly is being sold?
Location: A Shed near Queen St extension. Map.
Miniature workshop stall (open to all): Tue 18 Oct and Thu 20 Oct, 8am-2pm, Fri 21 Oct and Sat 22 Oct, 8am-3pm, Sun 23 Oct, 9am - 4pm
Special event: Model-making workshop, Sunday 23 October, 11am-12pm
Watch: Isobel Knowles and Van Sowerwine talk about Out In The Open.
Images courtesy the artists and Bryony Jackson.
Sound - Byron Scullin & Camilla Hannan
Foley - Gerry Long & Scott Heming
Puppet & Wardrobe - Fiona Edwards
Set - Madeleine Griffith
Heart - Victoria Mason
Colourist - Daniel Stonehouse, Crayon
Carpentry - Wade Lovich & Simon MacEwan
Box Supply - Danny Gelai
Extra hands - Bianka Basic, Rebecca Hayes, Cat Rabbit, Sera Tuitaru, Paula van Beek
Thank you
Anna Jeffries, Kristoffer Paulson, Mattt Bags, Jason Patterson, Maureen Watts, Benjamin Portas, James Cecil