Day Three - Mon 6 June, 2016 | Place (in a constant state of becoming)
Thoughts from our Co-convenors, David Cross and Claire Doherty:
Today was about place in a constant state of becoming. It was very much about trying to tease apart the nature of what we understand a place to be. Its constant formation and reformation. We talked about place in relation to the QVM renewal project and what that means - mindful of the fact that there had been many renewal projects over the market’s history. We also connected to the idea of place into the previous Lab day’s theme of time, and how they unfold across and through one another.
QVM Conversation: Fiona Whitworth, Director of Strategy at QVM
“Talking to Fiona revealed to me the unseen logistics of keep a place like QVM operating. It was like opening up a worm farm to reveal what, to the outsider, looks like a tangled mess but to those involved is an intricate pattern.” – Kiron Robinson
Workshop / Exercise: Rob Adams workshop on City Design
Workshop with Rob Adams, City Design, City of Melbourne.
“I think hearing from Rob Adams been an incredibly rich exercise for us as a group. I think he’s pushed it back into this crew to start thinking about themselves and their contribution to this process.” – David Cross
“There’s a lot to be said for shared community spaces and whether people actually know what is going on and whether they can use it.” – Timothy Moore